Flood Barrier Devices

HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier

HYLO | Self Closing Flood Barrier

Developed in Holland, the ingenious HYFLO Self Closing Flood Barrier SCFB™ is a unique flood defense system that effectively protects property from floodwaters and requires no manpower whatsoever for effective deployment.

This award-winning system automatically deploys a buoyant floodwall from below grade to provide optimal protection against high water. The SCFB preserves a building’s aesthetics and requires no valuable space. It can be built into a permanent floodwall or levee, as well as any opening in a building or facility.

How the Self Closing Flood Barrier works:

HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier

In storage position, all operational parts of the barrier are concealed in an underground storage basin. The basin in covered with a connected lid and is flush to adjacent ground.

HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier

When floodwaters rise, an inlet pipe fills the basin and the flood barrier floats and rises. When the basin is totally filled, an angled support block locks the barrier into watertight position.

HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier

The floodwaters continue to rise without flooding the protected area. When the water subsides, the basin drains using check valves and the barrier returns to its storage position.

HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier
HYLO Self Closing Flood Barrier