Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings

Robo®Quake Accelerograph

Experience the Future of Safety

Introducing ROBO-QUAKE, a cutting-edge, off-the-shelf IoT-based Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) developed by Mageba. Engineered to provide comprehensive insights into a structure's behavior before, during, and after earthquakes, ROBO-QUAKE ensures immediate alarm signals and event notifications via SMS and email. This modular system comes standard with accelerographs but can seamlessly integrate with virtually any sensor, offering unparalleled adaptability.

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High Rise Model Low Rise Model


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Why RoboQuake?

Trust ROBO-QUAKE to revolutionize how you monitor and enhance your building's functionality.

Seamless Integration with Smart Building Algorithm

Cost-Effective and Reliable Maintenance

Customizable Control with Cutting-Edge Connectivity


Developed specifically for building owners in seismically active regions, the ROBO-QUAKE system supports disaster reduction measures by providing real-time information on a structure's response to seismic shocks. With its serverless IoT optimized cloud backend and the ability to accommodate sensors of any kind, ROBO-QUAKE extends its utility beyond earthquake monitoring to a wide range of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications.

  • The central hub of the ROBO®QUAKE system, this unit consists of advanced hardware, integrated software, and specialized algorithms. Its primary functions include the acquisition, processing, recording, transmission, and reporting of data. This unit serves as the brain of the system, ensuring seamless operation and accurate analysis.

  • These are highly sensitive devices designed to measure and record acceleration. Their purpose is to detect significant ground motion resulting from seismic activity, as well as other types of acceleration anomalies. This provides critical data for assessing the impact of earthquakes on the structure.

  • The ROBO®QUAKE system is designed with flexibility in mind. A range of add-ons is available to extend its functionality beyond the core components. These additions encompass:

    • Additional Sensors: The system can be augmented with various types of up to 30 sensors to capture specific data points tailored to the unique needs of the structure.

    • Instrument Control Channels: These channels, based on event intensity, provide the capability to actively control electronic instruments within the structure, enhancing both monitoring and functionality.

    • Voice Alarms and More: The system offers a diverse range of supplementary features, including voice alarms and other customizations to suit specific requirements.

Key Features

Don't wait for disaster to strike – invest in the ultimate solution for earthquake recording instrumentation and structural health monitoring.

Modular & Extendable

Plug & Play

Tailor to your specific needs, now and in the future.

Easy setup, seamless integration.



Instrument Control

Budget-friendly without compromising performance.

Manage electronic devices with ease.

Automated Reports

Secure web login for up-to-the-minute information.

Streamline data analysis with instant event reports.

Sensor Agnostic

Multi-channel Notifications

Compatible with virtually any type of sensor.

Stay informed via SMS, Email, App, and on-site alerts.

Broadband & 4G Ready

Mobile Accessible

Fast, reliable data transmission for timely insights.

Monitor on-the-go through an intuitive web interface.

Automated Reports

Real-time Insights

Wired & Optional Wireless Data Transfer

Event Intensity Identification

Flexibility to suit your infrastructure.

Swiftly identify and respond to seismic events.

What Our Clients are Saying

Contact us.

Your trusted earthquake device supplier and installer in the Philippines, Westfor Asia Co, to learn more about integrating ROBO-QUAKE into your infrastructure and safeguarding against seismic risks.