Flood Barrier Devices

D5B Sliding Watertight Flash Flood Door with Pneumatic Seal

D5B | Sliding Watertight Flash Flood Door with Pneumatic Seal

This heavy-duty flash flood door is ideal for doorways or other openings that have frequent or infrequent access and need to be completely watertight on all sides.

When floodwaters threaten, The D5B quickly and easily glides into place on an overhead track by one person. Dual pneumatic seals provide redundant protection.

Every D5B is custom built to exacting dimensions for new or existing construction.


The flash flood door glides effortlessly into place and its dual pneumatic seals are easily and quickly inflated to fully seal the door on all four sides. Control panels can be placed on either side of the door or on both sides.

D5B Sliding Watertight Flash Flood Door with Pneumatic Seal
D5B Sliding Watertight Flash Flood Door with Pneumatic Seal